Download Our App for Android and iOS

We have created functionality on our site so that booking the course can be done quicker and more efficiently by adding our website to your homescreen on your phone.

Instructions for your iOS device:


Add-homescreen-booking1. Visit our site via your device.

2. Click on the 1439823808_upload icon at the bottom of the screen.

3. Click on the add to homescreen icon.

4. Another page should open with the site details and the app icon on the left. Go to the top right of the screen and click ‘Add’

5. The app for the site should now appear on your iPhone screen.


Instructions for Android:andriod-how-to-bonfleur-app

1. Visit the site via your Android device. Ensure you are on the homepage of the site.

2.  Click on the 1439824193_menu2 icon on the top right of the screen.

3. Click on the add to homescreen icon from the menu.

4. A box should appear with the icon and site details. Click the add button.

5. The app for the site should appear on your device’s homescreen now.